TM Feb 7, 2011

Recent research of Wisconsin scientists has proven that “Guinness –really-is good for you”! Study conducted on dogs with narrowest arteries found that Guinness worked just as well as aspirin in heart attacks prevention!  Apparently antioxidant compounds in most famous Irish stout decrease harmful gathering on the artery walls. The researchers claim that a pint of Guinness at meal time has the best impact.

Now that’s wonderful news for all that dark liquid lovers, isn’t it? It prompted me to think what other health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption can be, so I conducted a little research on the subject myself. Here’s what I found
on positive aspects that various alcoholic drinks have:

·   Red wine-a definite winner!!!  Many studies has proven that effect of drinking at least 2 to 3 glasses of wine a day is  supposed to result in healthier and possibly longer life.

o  As red wine lowers the total cholesterol count and alters the blood lipid levels, it plays its part in reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases.

o  Due to polyphenols which are excellent antioxidants, wine helps in lowering total cholesterol and blood pressure, lessening risks of cancer, stimulating the immune system, and has anti-bacterial properties.

o  It has also been found to affect favourably the body’s absorption of antioxidants in food and helps metabolize fat in more efficient way.

o  Study on the presence of Helicobacter pylori, which presence has been linked to causing ulcer infections, found that those who had 1 glass of wine a day had 7% fewer of these bacteria, those who drank 2 glasses a day had 18% less, and those who drank 3 or more glasses had 1/3 fewer bacteria.

o  Research shows that red wine can decrease the risk of lung and prostate cancers, stroke, dementia, kidney stones, diabetes, macular degeneration and osteoporosis.  Spanish study even implies positive effects in fighting off the common cold!

·  Beer –its moderate consumption has been confirmed to reduce the risk of heart strokes by 20%.

·  Cognac-widens the veins and removes the headache  
o  30 ml of cognac mixed with sugar helps in case of hypertension and stenocardia (angina)
o 1 spoon of this drink soothes the nerves and removes the stress

·  Vodka-yes! There are even tested benefits of drinking small doses of this refined alcohol, such as:

o  Influencing the digestion
o  Daily consumption of 25-30 grams of vodka decreases the level of cholesterol
o  Little doses of vodka help cure the headache (large doses have quite the opposite effect though:)
Ok then, combining all the above benefits can lead to a belief that there is nothing wrong in alcohol consumption, on the contrary it can be even treated as a cure (and it was-for example under prohibition times in US cognac was apparently sold in pharmacies as a medication!).  This is of course only partially true and cannot be used as an excuse for abusive consumption, ie. a glass of wine-just to prevent a heart disease, glass of cognac to decompress and a shot of vodka (to decrease cholesterol naturally) after work is NOT GOOD FOR YOU! :)
So as a word of admonition – excessive alcohol consumption is associated with many serious health issues, including:
·         Alcohol addiction
·         Cancer (especially mouth, liver and breast)
·         Heart diseases
·         High blood pressure
·         Liver damage
·         Obesity
·         Osteroporosis
Verdict: consumption of one to two drinks per day is found to have positive effects on health.

I shall leave you now with this conclusion and toast to the Spanish research with a glass, or even two, of delightful Museum Real (just to cure my cold naturally!!!:))



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